By/Product 2022. Image: Henry Trumble.

Conscious Craft Call Out

Considered. Responsible. Responsive.

Launching in May 2024, Conscious Craft is a dedication platform for championing sustainability and ethics in contemporary craft practice and design. We are looking for artists and makers who are currently practicing in this space to apply and participate.

If selected, your work will be verified Conscious Craft and will be available for sale via our new platform and considered for upcoming activities.

All applicants must submit either actual or proposed works which will be commercially available and market ready from May 2024 onwards. Successful works must possess a minimum of three Conscious Craft attributes:

Conscious Craft Attributes:

  • Australian Made – Ensuring Australian industry can thrive, supporting local creative communities, reducing air miles and environmentally damaging international goods transportation.
  • Buy once, buy well – Products that are designed to last, be re-used, cared for, mended and enjoyed for years to come.
  • Considered materials – Sourcing of materials from ethical suppliers, consideration and respect for the country where natural resources are gathered and used, post-consumer use and associated impact on the environment are considered.
  • Considered process – Wastage of materials is limited and polluting factors are kept to a minimum.
  • Material re-use – Processes where the re-use of existing materials is considered, or by-products are used.

Applications are currently open and are ongoing.

Apply Now