Racquel Austin-Abdullah is a Paakantji (Ba:Ka/ Darling River/ NSW) visual artist working with glass. Racquel trained in studio kiln glass at South Australian School Of Art and has recently completed Cert IV in Glass and Glazing at Melbourne Polytechnic. Racquel's emerging practice goes by the name 'glasseel', which references the migration of baby short fin eels making their way back to their ancestral home following the long migration and reproduction period of the mature eels.
Racquel approaches studio glass with deliberate dexterity, likening her process to that of conservation practice. While not concerned with making something new again, Racquel aims to imbue her works with qualities of tangible or intangible material; woven reed fibre, ancient lunettes or an ancestral halo. For her it's a process of continuing her story while retaining the aesthetics of glass.