In 2020, Craft began a collaboration with videographer Mark Newbound on a series of short films, delving into the practice of five Victorian makers - Vanessa Lucas, Su san Cohn, Cat Rabbit, Anna Varendorff and Terunobu Hirata. Each film traces the journey of a single piece from start to end, distilling the days and sometimes weeks of work involved in creating works of art by hand. Supported by City of Melbourne.
Su san Cohn is one of Australia's leading jewellers and metalworkers. Her work is held in collections around the world including the Victoria & Albert Museum, The Shanghai Museum, The National Gallery of Australia and the National Gallery of Victoria. Her steel and epoxy resin Cohncave Bowl for Alessi was the first piece by an Australian for the company and has been in continuous production since it was released in 1992. In this video she crafts her iconic donut-shaped bangles.