A Night Out in Naarm takes you on a journey through the vibrant and diverse nightlife of Naarm/Melbourne. Ceramic artist Raphy depicts scenes from a silly night out through a series of six sculptural pieces. Filled with nuance and references to Naarm’s queer community, A Night Out in Naarm is a humorous celebration of the city’s party culture.

The installation moves through the different stages of a night out. Each piece is a combination of painted scenes and sculpted embellishments. The night begins with the disorderly chaos of picking out the perfect outfit, then moves to pre-drinks, then to the first bar, a drunken tram ride, the park rave, and finally, finishing with kick-ons!

Raphy is an emerging ceramic artist from Fitzroy North. Mostly self-taught, Raphy's work is heavily influenced by the ancient pottery practices from his Sicilian-Greek heritage. Raphy’s background as a psychedelic musician articulates in his work via a surrealist approach to form, colour, and the stories he conveys. His sculptures conceptualise ideas around identity, sexuality, culture and the modern Australian experience. 

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