Craft is partnering with City of Casey to deliver a Creative Professional Development program, designed to support creatives in the region to develop their practices and careers in a sustainable and intentional manner. The program is specifically intended for creative practitioners with a connection to the City of Casey who are wanting to gain professional skills within a visual arts, crafts and design context.

The program will run from August-November 2024 with individual mentoring and group professional development training components. Applicants are expected to be able to commit to attending the full program.

Applications will be assessed by a panel of City of Casey and Craft staff. Successful applications will demonstrate artistic merit, strong motivation, a commitment to engaging in the program activities, as well as showcasing how the applicant will benefit from the opportunity.

Expressions of interest will open 9am Thursday 11 July and close 11:59pm on Monday 12 August 2024. An online information session will be held on Thursday 24 July, 6-7pm.

Applicant Key Dates:

  • Thurs 11 July, 7-8:30pm: Creative Careers that Last: Panel talk (optional, all welcome)
  • 11 July: Expression of Interest open
  • 24 July: Online Info session (optional)
  • 12 August: Expression of Interest close
  • 19 August: All applicants notified of outcomes

Program Participant Key Dates:

  • 19 August: Pre-questionnaire
  • 2-6 September: First Individual Mentoring Sessions
  • 20 September: Half-day Professional Development Workshop
  • 28-31 October: Second Individual Mentoring Sessions
  • 1 November: Participant Survey

Image courtesy Craft_Photography by Henry Trumble2

Info Session

Interested in applying and want to know more? Join us for an online information session.