As the planet faces increasing challenges related to the human-driven climate crisis, bioplastics made from renewable organic materials are gathering exponential interest for their potential as a sustainable material.
FUTURE FORM showcases the potential for algae as sustainable material through a collection of algae bioplastic tableware.
The tableware form of these works reference both the literal act of consumption and the household context. Geopolitical infrastructure and inaction present significant challenges to everyday sustainable lifestyles. In response, this work proposes a bottom-up solution that can be implemented within the home.
The items in this exhibition are the outcomes of deep research into materials and processes. They are made from a material developed by the artist which can be recycled in a home kitchen in about an hour. The same ingredients can be made and re-made into different objects infinitely.
The material is completely biodegradable. If not recycled into new items, these items can be composted in a home system. When disposed, critters living in soil (as well as waterways, should they end up there) can consume them and they function as fertiliser for plants as they break down.
This series of bespoke tableware vessels is made using an algal polymer and a range of pigments – including a selection of microalgae grown in the studio. All pieces are organic, compostable at home and able to be remade in a generative closed-loop system. They are sold alongside custom-designed ceramic shaping moulds.
Jessie French is an artist and experimental designer, working with bioplastics. Her practice explores consumption, symbiosis, ecology, science and technology in the context of human experience amidst human-driven environmental crisis. She is interested in engaging with environmentally vital issues and experimental artistic projects refracted through the lens of science.
Based in Naarm/Melbourne, Australia, Jessie’s work explores speculative futures through algae-based bioplastic and ocean ecologies. Housed within an ethos of consumption, sustainability and regeneration, her practice invites others to engage with the possibilities of a post-petrochemical world. Through experimenting with other materials, she explores the potential for closed-loop systems of (re)use and conscious consumption and interaction with objects.
In 2020, Jessie founded OTHER MATTER, an experimental design studio working with algae-based bioplastics which engages others in the possibilities of new materials through objects, experiences and futures.

Craft Conversations / Jessie French
…it could be integrated into everyday life to solve a huge issue we have with waste and the use of petrochemical plastics…