The Australian landscape is often said to be a landscape of contrasts - a large landmass formed after the breakup of the Gondwanaland more than 180 million years ago. It is marked by deep geological time and the spectacular impacts of weathering. With close to 85 % of the Australian population living on the coastal fringe of the continent, it is no wonder that the vast interiors of salt lakes and desert escarpments draw a fascination for many artists.

Interior Landscapes presents seven leading Australian glass artists exploring narratives of the Australian landscape and its influence on an evolving cultural identity. Diverse in approach, aesthetics and techniques, each artist has spent decades immersed in studying this striking geography to inform a unique and innovative language in glass.

The exhibition is guest curated by Margaret Hancock Davis and Holly Grace and features the work of Clare Belfrage, Mr Donegan and Mrs Fatt (Ninuku Arts), Brenden Scott French, Holly Grace, Jessica Loughlin and Kirstie Rea.

Presented as part of the Ausglass Conference, 3–5 February 2023.

Image L-R: Brenden Scott French, Book of Consequence vol I (detail), 2023, kiln formed glass, 21 x 15 x 6 cm; Palette (detail), 2023, kiln formed glass, 29 x 24 x 5 cm. Photographer: Henry Trumble.

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