Cat Rabbit, known for her plush characters who inspire good feelings, and Andrea Innocent, known for her character design and emotive illustrations, have come together to create a series of ‘Everyday Anxieties Mascots’. Each mascot, supports a particular feeling/mood/anxiety produced by modern living and the human condition. Held in an (as yet) imaginary expo of mascots, these characters inhabit different realms of anxieties and function as a talisman to those who find the world overwhelming and confusing at times. Let’s face it, that's most of us.
Our various characters include the 'Telephant' mascot for those of us who feel fear and dread when the phone rings, when it feels like every ping of our device is another demand on our time and attention and is frankly draining our very life force. The ‘I’d rather be with my pets’ mascot for those of us who experience agoraphobia - maybe you have actually left the house to go to a social event and are at a party talking to someone you really don’t know and wishing they were as interesting as your sleeping cat but instead they are experts at boring chit chat. Juniper the King Parrot is also here to soothe the heart ache of existential angst and loneliness. No small feat but isn’t it nice to know he’s got your back at 2am when the world seems a relentless machine. There is no judgement here just lots of cuddles, hand holding and waving, they are all on your side.
The mascots will greet you at the entrance of Craft Victoria, in the snug vitrine space, acting as bouncers to bad feelings. They are the perfect size to sit on your shoulder and whisper in your ear ‘it’s gonna be ok’.