Slough is an exhibition of ambiguous tools made from London plane tree and ceramic based on hydria - ancient Greek water jars that also performed as funerary vessels and ballot boxes.
Based in Naarm, Briony Galligan makes environments - through drawing, ceramics, installation and sculpture - that are slippery and suspended, more atmosphere than coherent logic. Galligan positions objects as conduits, imagining them as tools and appendages to move through various states of disequilibrium such as sickness, queerness, invasiveness. She has exhibited widely in institutional and artist-run spaces including at National Gallery of Victoria, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Westspace, Gertrude, Bus Projects, Firstdraft, Feltspace, TCB and Kings Artist Run. In 2023, Galligan participated in the Maumaus Independent Study Program in Lisbon, Portugal supported by the Ian Potter Cultural Trust. Teaching, artist organising and collaboration are also important for Galligan.