JamFactory ICON Kunmanara Carroll: Ngaylu Nyanganyi Ngura Winki (I Can See All Those Places) is a major solo exhibition showcasing a significant body of artist Kunmanara Carroll’s final ceramic works and paintings, supported by a tapestry produced by the Australian Tapestry Workshop. The exhibition is touring to 12 venues nationally until mid-2024. Shepparton Art Museum is the exclusive Victorian venue on the exhibition’s national tour.
This touring exhibition has been assisted by the South Australian Government through the Department for Innovation and Skills and the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, Contemporary Touring Initiative.
Image: JamFactory ICON Kunmanara Carroll: Ngaylu Nyanganyi Ngura Winki (I Can See All Those Places), (installation view) (2023), Shepparton Art Museum, 2023. Photography: Leon Schoots.