Anna Davern and Cass Partington are accomplished contemporary jewellers who first met in 1999 in a shared studio in Carlow House on the corner of Flinders Lane and Elizabeth Street. 24 years of working together and 3 studio moves later, Anna and Cass have come almost full circle to return to Flinders Lane, this time taking a studio in the iconic Nicholas Building.
While Anna and Cass’s working lives have co-existed for 24 years, their individual practices are quite diverse.
Anna’s work is narrative based and she juxtaposes found materials with precious gems to create objects that may or may not be wearable, but will always invite physical engagement. She rearranges imagery found in kitsch souvenirs to tease out and question notions of Australian identity, colonialism and multi-culturalism.
Over two decades of practice, Cass has produced a body of contemporary jewellery characterised by its formal simplicity and bold approach to material. Designed to be worn and interpreted, objects are often inscribed with a hard edged minimalist codex echoing machine language. The artist’s unique lexicon allows the wearer autonomy to create their own meaning and significance.
Anna and Cass are well-respected artists within the Australian contemporary jewellery and craft communities. They are constantly amazed that they still have plenty to say to each other.
Image: courtesy of the artists.