Lara Davies, Sarah Parkes, Bianca Vallentine, Laura Veleff.

"For many years, I have been moved by the blue at the far edge of what can be seen, that color of horizons, of remote mountain ranges, of anything far away. The color of that distance is the color of an emotion, the color of solitude and of desire, the color of there seen from here, the color of where you are not. And the color of where you can never go." - Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost

What happens when you arrive in this place? When the there becomes here, when the imagined becomes reality. Is it what you expected or wanted?

In this group show, four contemporary artists explore new meaning in their work as they translate change through their chosen art form and investigate personal narratives of desire, longing, isolation and transformation.

Opening Night event:
Friday 20 October 6-8PM

Meet the Artist event:
Saturday 21 October 10AM-6PM

Image: courtesy of Bianca Vallentine.